National Junior Honor Society

A large group of students sitting on chairs and holding a flower

Name of Club/Activity

National Junior Honor Society


National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) is a national organization for middle school students. At its core, NJHS hopes to foster the values of scholarship, service, leadership, character, and citizenship in our students. Membership is a high honor and it comes with a great deal of responsibility.


Our NJHS members are active in our school community. Some students will spear head our recycling program and collect from teacher classrooms. Some students will help our Raider community through peer tutoring, while others will help organize our PBIS program rewards. Others in NJHS will organize schoolwide drives to benefit non-profits and brainstorm ways we can appreciate the people that help our school to be its best (bus drivers, counselors, principals, etc).

Time Commitment

NJHS meetings are usually held once a month during roundtable. Depending on the committee you choose, additional time commitments will be required in roundtable. Occasionally, we will have after school events but will notify members well in advance.

How to Sign Up

INVITE ONLY To be considered for membership, students must first qualify in their 7th grade year with a GPA of 3.85 in their core classes calculated at the end of the 3rd 9 weeks and no F’s or I’s. At the beginning of their 8th grade year, if students are eligible for induction, information along with an application link will be mailed to their residence. The applications need to be submitted on time and will then be reviewed by club sponsors. Once accepted, students must demonstrate NJHS’s pillars in all school activities in addition to upholding the following requirements:

  • Maintaining high academic standards with no honor code violations

  • Completing individual service to the community through committee work

  • Maintaining high standards of conduct (no disciplinary issues)

  • Demonstrating leadership and role model qualities

  • Participate in 80% of school based NJHS meetings and activities

  • Pay $20 annual dues in cash or by check, made out to RMS, to cover T-shirt and chapter dues. When students are out in the community, the shirts help show the services we provide are from students in NJHS. If a member fails to comply with one or more of the above obligations of membership, he or she may be considered for dismissal from NJHS.


Ashley Arnone